The optimal GIS for your project
The GBD WebSuite is a web-based open source GIS platform for spatial data processing. In addition to support and provision of OGC services such as WMS, WMTS, WFS and WCS, extensive QGIS functionality is supported as well as the possibility of integrating external applications and new functionality modularly and efficiently.
QGIS Suite
QGIS is the most widely used open source GIS in the world. It is user-friendly, flexible, supports a large number of data formats and standards and offers extensive functionality. With the QGIS map server and the QGIS web client, data can be easily provided in the intranet and internet.
PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension is the optimal open source database management system for spatial information. It belongs to big data and northern standing rights. It is on par with Oracle or MSSQL and is done very well by QGIS, the GBD WebSuite and GRASS GIS settings.
GRASS GIS offers the most extensive range of analysis options in the open source GIS area. With more than 400 modules, the functionality already available in QGIS is enormously expanded. GRASS GIS can be integrated into QGIS via a plugin. The analysis modules can also be used via the processing extension.